This last week, I became a bit preoccupied by Donald Trump's press release. Specifically, where he called for a flavor ban on e-liquids. I finally got back on Twitter, after years of avoiding it, just to stay up-to-date on the situation. As a blogger, I feel it is my responsibility to forward that information on to anyone who may read my blog. That being said let's dive right into the situation.
- It would eliminate all flavors other than tobacco.
- Trump's reasoning was due to the First Lady's concern for her son.
- It would not and could not be an executive order.
- The FDA has stated that they will be working to begin preparations for the ban.
- It could take effect as early as January 2020.
The moment that press release reached public ears. The vaping community began to mobilize. YouTube reviewers conducted live-stream videos to reach their viewers and give them encouragement to fight back. A Facebook group was made with a corresponding website to organize a D.C. rally in protest. Numerous consumers began calling the White House to let their voices be heard with a resounding, "We Vape, We Vote!"
Twitter feeds were flooded with stories of how this or that flavor saved a life. I, myself, began to correct anyone who inaccurately said that vaping has in any way caused the deaths and hospitalizations that the CDC and many states are investigating.
The truth is that black market, illegal, contaminated THC cartridges have been found and proven to be the cause of the illnesses and deaths. To think that another ban would help where current enforcement is already NOT helping, is outrageous.
However, Donald Trump did come out with a response to the influx of outrage on the topic:
This tweet is nothing more than an ambiguous statement and an attempt to smooth things over with his voters. He knows that he will lose voters over this. But the tweet left his options and opinions open to interpretation. He could later say, "Yeah, it's a safe alternative so tobacco flavors should be fine." It in no way means that he is backing off his original statement.
As vaping consumers and ex-smokers continue the fight, the President of the American Vaping Association, Greg Conley, has also been speaking out. He argued against Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN. While CNN's website says that he was "fact-checked" about the detrimental impact of vaping products among children, many on Twitter feel the exact opposite happened.
Conely says early on that the things that draw adults to use vaping as an alternative to cigarettes, such as the lack of lingering smells or ash, can also be appealing to a younger crowd. He follows by saying, "That doesn't mean that prohibition and just opening up a black market when, in the age of the internet, good luck preventing social media and eBay sales continuing."
This is what the vaping community is trying to express to these "concerned parents". Instead of enforcing the regulations we already have in place, the FDA and state politicians like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitner want to create more laws and regulations that will just create more unsafe products for teens and adults alike. Not to mention the billions of dollars in tax revenue lost to states, or the numerous vape shops and small businesses nationwide that will suffer because of these ridiculous ideologies and lies.
Even today the governor of New York published this tweet:
This kind of action will not save our children. It will only kill businesses, cost people their jobs, and cost consumers a necessary tool in breaking the hold tobacco has on many lives.
Both the reporter and Dr. Gupta tried using media-fed lies to counteract what Conley had to say about the truth of vaping, but he did not allow his voice to go unheard. For every "the CDC said" or "local media said", Conley responded with the actual facts. In the same way, we as vapers cannot allow false narratives of "vape-related lung disease" to continue.
Here's the facts of the current investigations into those cases:
* According to the CDC, there are around 380 case reported in 36 states.
* 6 of those cases resulted in death in 6 different states.
* Most patients have reported usage of THC products.
* The only consistent product identified has been THC cartridges purchased of the street. (I.e. black market)
* The FDA found significant amounts of Vitamin E acetate in most of the samples containing THC.
* The investigations are still considered on-going.
These are very serious illnesses separate from the false reportings of hospitalizations from some social media influencers claiming to have been affected by vaping.
It is important to remember that there are people suffering from these illicit products and that no other country seems to be having these problems.
The one constant in all reporting is the illegal and contaminated THC cartridges being purchased for recreational use. Not only does this damage the reputation of a proven smoking cessation tool, but also cannabis as a proven medical plant that has to date also killed NO ONE.
Two tools for medical and recreational adult choices are being threatened thanks to the irresponsibility and lax enforcement of current laws.
The truth of the matter is that flavors can be crucial to aiding a person off of cigarette use. While politicians and media reporters love to think that adults don't need fruit loops, strawberry milk, or even simply watermelon flavors, it's just not true.
Many ex-smokers are reporting that it was the change from tobacco flavor that helped make the switch easier and better. Just because it isn't tobacco flavored does not mean that it is somehow "marketing to kids".
These are just a few of the wonderful flavors that in no way
specifically market to an underage demographic.
Here's were advocacy comes in. If you or someone you know has used or could use vaping as a way out from smoking addiction, Take Action!
You can simply Google, "who are my senators," or "who is my representative?"
This will get you the contact for your voice in government. CALL THEM! Emailing is good, but calling is even better. A simple phone call telling your story or how you feel about vaping and that most adult vapers were able to quit using flavors other than tobacco.
Be respectful, thank them for listening, and remind them that we vote. That is critical. We vote these people into office to have a voice for us in things that impact us. We pay them through taxes to represent us and not detriment us.
If you have not joined CASSA, I will include a link below. It is free and will keep you up to date with factual information and calls to action.
If you have not found the Facebook group or website for the proposed rally in D.C., here are the links you need. It's time to make our voice heard.
Lastly, stay tuned for more information as I will be highly active in the coming weeks.
If you have not already found me on other social media sites,
you can find me on Facebook: The Cloud Mermaid
You can also find me on Twitter: @thecloudmermaid
#WeVapeWeVote Please share this information with your friends and family so they can know that vaping is not as dangerous as the media claims it to be!