Sunday, September 15, 2019

Trump and the FDA's flavor ban....


     This last week, I became a bit preoccupied by Donald Trump's press release. Specifically, where he called for a flavor ban on e-liquids. I finally got back on Twitter, after years of avoiding it, just to stay up-to-date on the situation. As a blogger, I feel it is my responsibility to forward that information on to anyone who may read my blog. That being said let's dive right into the situation.

Here are the facts on the proposed flavor ban:

  • It would eliminate all flavors other than tobacco.
  • Trump's reasoning was due to the First Lady's concern for her son.
  • It would not and could not be an executive order.
  • The FDA has stated that they will be working to begin preparations for the ban.
  • It could take effect as early as January 2020.

The moment that press release reached public ears. The vaping community began to mobilize. YouTube reviewers conducted live-stream videos to reach their viewers and give them encouragement to fight back. A Facebook group was made with a corresponding website to organize a D.C. rally in protest. Numerous consumers began calling the White House to let their voices be heard with a resounding, "We Vape, We Vote!"

Twitter feeds were flooded with stories of how this or that flavor saved a life. I, myself, began to correct anyone who inaccurately said that vaping has in any way caused the deaths and hospitalizations that the CDC and many states are investigating.

The truth is that black market, illegal, contaminated THC cartridges have been found and proven to be the cause of the illnesses and deaths. To think that another ban would help where current enforcement is already NOT helping, is outrageous.

However, Donald Trump did come out with a response to the influx of outrage on the topic:

This tweet is nothing more than an ambiguous statement and an attempt to smooth things over with his voters. He knows that he will lose voters over this. But the tweet left his options and opinions open to interpretation. He could later say, "Yeah, it's a safe alternative so tobacco flavors should be fine." It in no way means that he is backing off his original statement.

As vaping consumers and ex-smokers continue the fight, the President of the American Vaping Association, Greg Conley, has also been speaking out. He argued against Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN. While CNN's website says that he was "fact-checked" about the detrimental impact of vaping products among children, many on Twitter feel the exact opposite happened.

Conely says early on that the things that draw adults to use vaping as an alternative to cigarettes, such as the lack of lingering smells or ash, can also be appealing to a younger crowd. He follows by saying, "That doesn't mean that prohibition and just opening up a black market when, in the age of the internet, good luck preventing social media and eBay sales continuing."


This is what the vaping community is trying to express to these "concerned parents". Instead of enforcing the regulations we already have in place, the FDA and state politicians like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitner want to create more laws and regulations that will just create more unsafe products for teens and adults alike. Not to mention the billions of dollars in tax revenue lost to states, or the numerous vape shops and small businesses nationwide that will suffer because of these ridiculous ideologies and lies.

Even today the governor of New York published this tweet:

This kind of action will not save our children. It will only kill businesses, cost people their jobs, and cost consumers a necessary tool in breaking the hold tobacco has on many lives.

Both the reporter and Dr. Gupta tried using media-fed lies to counteract what Conley had to say about the truth of vaping, but he did not allow his voice to go unheard. For every "the CDC said" or "local media said", Conley responded with the actual facts. In the same way, we as vapers cannot allow false narratives of "vape-related lung disease" to continue.

Here's the facts of the current investigations into those cases:

* According to the CDC, there are around 380 case reported in 36 states.

* 6 of those cases resulted in death in 6 different states.

* Most patients have reported usage of THC products.

* The only consistent product identified has been THC cartridges purchased of the street. (I.e. black market)

* The FDA found significant amounts of Vitamin E acetate in most of the samples containing THC.

* The investigations are still considered on-going.


These are very serious illnesses separate from the false reportings of hospitalizations from some social media influencers claiming to have been affected by vaping.

It is important to remember that there are people suffering from these illicit products and that no other country seems to be having these problems.

The one constant in all reporting is the illegal and contaminated THC cartridges being purchased for recreational use. Not only does this damage the reputation of a proven smoking cessation tool, but also cannabis as a proven medical plant that has to date also killed NO ONE.

Two tools for medical and recreational adult choices are being threatened thanks to the irresponsibility and lax enforcement of current laws.

The truth of the matter is that flavors can be crucial to aiding a person off of cigarette use. While politicians and media reporters love to think that adults don't need fruit loops, strawberry milk, or even simply watermelon flavors, it's just not true.

Many ex-smokers are reporting that it was the change from tobacco flavor that helped make the switch easier and better. Just because it isn't tobacco flavored does not mean that it is somehow "marketing to kids".

These are just a few of the wonderful flavors that in no way 
specifically market to an underage demographic. 

Here's were advocacy comes in. If you or someone you know has used or could use vaping as a way out from smoking addiction, Take Action!

You can simply Google, "who are my senators," or "who is my representative?"

This will get you the contact for your voice in government. CALL THEM! Emailing is good, but calling is even better. A simple phone call telling your story or how you feel about vaping and that most adult vapers were able to quit using flavors other than tobacco.

Be respectful, thank them for listening, and remind them that we vote. That is critical. We vote these people into office to have a voice for us in things that impact us. We pay them through taxes to represent us and not detriment us.

If you have not joined CASSA, I will include a link below. It is free and will keep you up to date with factual information and calls to action.

If you have not found the Facebook group or website for the proposed rally in D.C., here are the links you need. It's time to make our voice heard.

Lastly, stay tuned for more information as I will be highly active in the coming weeks.

If you have not already found me on other social media sites,

you can find me on Facebook:  The Cloud Mermaid

You can also find me on Twitter: @thecloudmermaid

#WeVapeWeVote Please share this information with your friends and family so they can know that vaping is not as dangerous as the media claims it to be!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What The News! : Cities Deny Vape Shop Application Because Of What?


    Apologies for being missing last week, I had a lot going on and couldn't find much more in vape news other than the so-called "lung disease" sweeping America. Real quick fact check on that front, these stories are worded to point the finger at vapes. The truth is even scarier. People are getting sick from black market THC cartridges that probably don't even have THC in them. I may cover that more next week, but today I have a story a little closer to home for me.

   Alpharetta, Georgia has been attempting to ban vape shops, or at least any more shops, from opening in their city. A few months ago the city council had a potential ban in the minutes for one of their meetings.

   I assume, due to the number of people in the vaping community that agreed to show up in support of their right to vape, the city council had tabled that discussion until further notice. After this morning's article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it seems as though they have found another way to push back on vape shops.

   The headline reads, "Alpharetta denies vape shop as vaping debate continues." It's a seemingly innocent and neutral title that encourages curiosity, I'll give them that. But, the contents of the article aren't as neutral.

   Monday morning, the city council made the decision to ban Xhale City's application to open a shop off of Old Milton Parkway. The reason given had to do with zoning laws, but it was really just a loop hole because AJC did not give specifics on the laws of zoning in their article. Instead, they used the opportunity to continue to belittle vaping as a whole.

   A little background for Xhale City before we get into the rest of the article...

   This business has 23 locations from Oakwood to Carrolton and everywhere in between. Fun side fact: Did you hear about the vape shop employee that screamed at a guy for visibly portraying his political views and refused to sell him anything? If so, it was an employee of Xhale City. They didn't seem to appreciate that a customer was so rudely discriminated against by one of their own employees. He was ultimately fired and the company posted an apology to their Facebook which included a video with the customer wearing his political shirt. Good job, guys!

Back to the main story...

   Given the number of locations, it's clear to see this business isn't suffering too hard from the denial. What if it had been a smaller store, though? Plenty of avid vapers and hobbyists strive to open their own shop as more than a business, but also to have a place to hang out with their friends and enjoy their past time. 

   AJC claims the city has been looking for a way to ban vape shops, without potential legal backlash, after the CDC released a statement regarding the "first death related to vaping". As I mentioned earlier, it was months ago that Alpharetta was discussing banning vape shops from their city. To use this outbreak that has only recently begun to happen is mis-use of the media.

   Furthermore, vape devices found in schools are another reason given for these measures being taken. Surrounding areas have made the decision to not allow a business that has over 25% of their inventory being vape related products. 

   Did you know that most of the teen vaping cases have involved Juul? That would be the reason they are always in the news and recently apologized for marketing to young people. Most vape shops today have stopped carrying Juul for those same moral reasons on top of the company being owned by big tobacco. So, who is primarily selling this brand? Convenience stores and gas stations! I would say they definitely do not have more than even 10% of their inventory being anything related to vaping. These cities have no problem with these businesses, but that's the place most of these teens can acquire a Juul device. IT MAKES NO SENSE! 
   They do, much later in the article, give a little more information into the meeting where the application was denied. City staff told the council they were against the shop opening because they saw glassware, that could be used with drugs like marijuana, in their inventory. 

   Disregarding my own feelings on the benefits of this natural plant, gas stations also sell the same pipes and glass pieces that this shop have. Again, the logic these city officials have is completely flawed. 

   With teen vaping and the recent hospitalizations, it's clear that politicians will continue to fight against vaping. And though they won't admit it, we all know it's in favor of traditional tobacco. Even though cigarettes have caused numerous cases of lung cancer and the companies historically lied about the dangers, it's become a big money maker for these big tobacco companies who in turn donate to the same greedy politicians and who knows who else. Stop denying that there haven't been studies. The UK already has vape shops in hospitals and a study published years ago linking vaping to be a major help in tobacco cessation. 
    Next week we will talk about these tragic cases that do not need to be taken lightly. We can only hope that the CDC is actually focusing on finding the true cause, because vaping in general is not it. Stay up to date with the blog on our Facebook page and don't forget to like and share with your friends! The Cloud Mermaid @ FB! 

We are also now on Pinterest! Constantly posting funny vape memes and safety information! Subscribe to stay informed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What The News! : Redirection and Disappearing Studies?

  Why is it that every time I attempt to find a crazy story to debunk for the purpose of this here blog, most (if not all) of the links to what I think will be sources end up linking back to previous articles? The click-funnel keeping you on that particular media outlet's page makes finding the truth a bit difficult, but we all know that's what they want.

  News stations have been covering a lung epidemic happening in a few of the northern states like Minnesota and Wisconsin.

  • NBC is claiming that patients have come in with severe breathing difficulties and further treatment just makes the symptoms worst like fluid build up in the lungs. 
  • A CBS article  says that symptoms in Minnesota include fever, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea. I don't know how these (other than coughing) could be linking to vaping, and funnily enough neither do the doctors. 

   These headlines are suggesting that vaping was linked to lung-damage occurring after hitting an e-cigarette, but every article after being thoroughly read admits that none of these doctors are saying there is any concrete link between their patients health and there hobby of choice.

                                                                           via GIPHY

   There is another potential culprit, however. Some patients have admitted to using THC cartridges prior to their hospital stay. One case claims the cartridge was purchased on the street or by a middle man rather than a dispensary in a state where it is legal.

   For those who are unaware, THC is a chemical component of marijuana. It's the bit that gives the high stoner's are so well-known for. To this day, there have been no reports of any health-related issues resulting in THC use. I mean accidents can happen when you are intoxicated, but that would be why it is so frowned upon to drink and drive. The other component commonly found in marijuana is CBD. This would be the medicinal chemical responsible for numbing pain, clearing anxiety, preventing seizures, and the list keeps growing the more studies that are done.

   So, as with any other "drug" you may find on the streets, there is always the potential that it has been tampered with. As these articles point out, if some other chemical was added to these cartridges for any reason, that could be the reason people are being hospitalized.

  Surprisingly, CBS included a quote from the American Vaping Association stating that there is no way vaping nicotine could cause this kind of damage when around ten million adults vape daily without incident.

  If it isn't the nicotine, could it be that drug dealers in these states are adding some other toxin to their THC cartridges? With the same logic the AVA has given, if Colorado has gone this whole time without health issues from marijuana (but rather health improvement) it cannot sensibly be the THC causing these cases.

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   At least the doctors don't seem as quick to judge vaping as the media, because it would be horrific if they didn't continue to study and find the real danger.

  Besides the focus on vaping being a supposed link and a lack of focus on the fact that it's not just teens suffering from these lung afflictions, there is also talk of studies claiming to find toxins in e-liquid. You would think that if an article was going to reference a study they would at least provide a link to the actual study and not back to a previous article written under the same media outlet.  Worst though, is the links that take you to the study and it turns out to be a study on something completely different.

  A different CBS article (on the same topic) claims that Pediatrics, an online medical journal for the American Academy of Pediatrics, published a study that found Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) or carcinogens in vapes. The article talking about this study was written in March of 2018. If a study anywhere had found that vape liquid contained potentially toxic chemicals, vaping would have never been introduced in UK hospitals as a way to ween patients off of tobacco.

  In fact, the link CBS included in an article published today (as well as the 2018 article) led me to a study on whether or not vaping caused more teens to start smoking actual cigarettes. No where could I find anything about detecting acrylamide (among others) in the urine and saliva of around 84 teens averaging 16 years old as CBS claimed.

  Spoiler Alert: I only found these outlandish statements in the 2018 article because today's article led me to it with claims of toxins in vapes being a cause to the lung damage people have been experiencing the past few months.

   Since the study couldn't been found, I looked up what acrylamide meant because using big words the average person wouldn't understand helps fuel the hate fire.

  Acrylamide is a naturally occurring substance that appears in everyday cooking when starches are exposed to higher temperatures. The concerns for it being a potentially cancer-causing agent are minimal. The only studies done were on animals and even the FDA says the average intake is too small to worry about.

  So not only did CBS draw conclusions from apparently thin air since they didn't link to the study they mentioned, but they didn't even use scary sounding words that actually had scary backgrounds. It's like these journalists think no one will ever fact check them. Seeing as the average adult believes most claims on the internet without getting evidence, media outlets are just going to keep stirring the pot and making their money.

                                                                         via GIPHY

  Good news for me though, because this segment is based around taking media claims and finding the truth. Come back next week for another group of truths hidden in clever lies by your favorite news sites. Don't forget to pass the knowledge on. The more people opening their mind and questing for facts, the less the media can continue to redirect their audience focus to benefit their fear mongering.

In the coming weeks, I will be creating a Pinterest for The Cloud Mermaid that you can follow for snippets of fun vape related images. Until then, give the Facebook page a like and share with you friends. The Cloud Mermaid FB Page

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What The News! : Beware of Misinformed Reporters

So apparently, the FDA has been investigating reports of seizures and their relation to vaping. In simpler terms, they asked people to report if they or anyone they know has health issues after vaping.
According to CNBC this morning, the FDA is handling 127 cases of supposed seizures while vaping.

Today's What The News! is going to take a slight detour from finding hard facts to investigating a particularly shady article. I've given you the overall topic of the article in question, but I would like to dive a little further because the truth is that instead of actually using science to test the validity of health risks where vaping is concerned, the USA would like to just demonize and banish without a second thought. No matter how many people have found that they were finally able to escape an addiction that patches and gum don't help, no matter the study the UK did that took years with control groups for neutrality, no matter that the people talking crap on e-cigs and vapor technology don't actually care about the well-being of anyone.... This is why typical journalism just isn't for me.


While scrolling the Google search engine for the latest and craziest vape news, I discovered an article entitled:

FDA investigating 127 reports of seizures after vaping

Of course, this made no sense so I dived right in. This is where it gets juicy.

Did you know that nicotine is poisonous? I'm sure in high.... extremely high doses it can be. Many people say they experience a "buzz" and too much can have you bed ridden or dehydrated enough to induce a hospital visit, but no more than experienced with tobacco smokers.

 The article cited the National Capital Poison Center saying e-liquids have high concentrations of nicotine and that can cause death.


 After clicking the link for the source, I found myself on an article of the NCPC site that discusses the absolute horrifying dangers of nicotine and why you should keep it away from children. Apparently, seizures can start within 30 minutes of ingesting vape liquid. I really wonder who studied that finding.

 The site also claims a 42 year old man was found dead at home with alcoholic beverages and an empty bottle of nicotine liquid or "smoke juice" as they so lovingly called it. It must have been the nicotine right? Not any other health problems? Not alcohol poisoning? 

So the vape shop I work in has some fun stories and there was a guy that got really drunk one day and accidentally downed a 60ml bottle of liquid. The worst that happened to the poor guy was having wasted a whole bottle and desperately needing more. Doc recommended drinking plenty of fluids and taking it easy. 

So after reading that article, I had to double check the sources. One of which being an article the CDC published, but not recently. No, this source they credited was posted in 2013. It's 2019 in case anyone forgot and the FDA still readily admits that there is more and more that has yet to be discovered about nicotine and it's relation to vaping as opposed to cigarettes. 

Back to the original article in question:

 It was written by one of CNBC's Health and Science journalists by the name of Angelica LaVito. Her article mentioned early on that the FDA had begun their investigation back in April where there were 35 cases of potential nicotine caused seizures after vaping. These words were linked. So I clicked thinking I would go to the FDA site or some outside information on this at least......

The link to me to another CNBC article written back in April talking about the 35 cases (that spanned 10 years) and what the FDA was doing. Then I saw who wrote it. You guessed it! Angelica LaVito. There isn't anything wrong with citing yourself or following an FDA investigation with multiple articles. Keep your readers informed, but at least don't plagiarize yourself. 

Remember when I mentioned the NCPC and supposed nicotine poisoning being a major problem?

It may be difficult to see, but the two paragraphs are identical! In fact, both articles seem to be saying the same thing with catchy headlines. So it's fine to just copy and paste a whole paragraph into a later article or this reporter just couldn't think of another way to scare her readers away from vaping and back towards smoking. 

 The article posted this morning offered a disclosure at the end (they know good and well that most of their readers won't reach the bottom) listing Scott Gottlieb as a contributor. While I'm surprised they admitted it, this points to a clear conflict of interest and explains why the article seems so opinionated. They don't emphasize the lack of evidence pointing to vaping as the cause but they emphasize the number of people claiming to have been or know someone negatively effected by nicotine in e-cigarettes. These claims are currently undergoing investigation for validity and evidence, but CNBC and LaVito don't seem to be concerned with reporting the truth. Instead they want to cloud their readers with misleading headlines and outrageous claims that cannot be backed by science or even logic. 

Maybe one day we can get back to honest reporting and helpful journalism. Until then, you always have What The News! every Wednesday to keep you filled in with the facts and articles to beware of. The Cloud Mermaid does not currently accept contributions and will never accept contributions from anyone except it's readers. It's called neutrality and yes it's a moral obligation. Check back next week for another crazy claim and don't forget to check out the Facebook page where you can stay up to date on the latest posts. The Cloud Mermaid Facebook Page

Links for the articles mentioned:

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What The News! : Facebook Against Vaping?

  Catchy title, right? Since other news outlets like to catch your eye with outrageous claims, I thought I'd give it a try. Did it work? Are you reading this thinking that Facebook hates vapers?

  Sadly, there is no actual evidence to support that. However, the news has been filled lately with talk of banning any mention of "tobacco products including e-cigarettes" across Facebook and Instagram. I bet none of the journalists actually read the updated Community Standards.

  Facebook has long since disabled the ability for alcohol and tobacco advertising due to the inability to regulate minors access online. The new changes only seek to make it a little more difficult for teens to get their hands on things they shouldn't through the sites Facebook is responsible for.

  Buy, sell, trade pages and groups are the biggest target for the change it seems. Facebook did carefully word their update to include private profiles and the most recent update distinguishes between businesses and personal profiles not affiliated with a business, but we will get into that in the hard facts section.

            via GIPHY

  After scouring the updated standards, there wasn't a single excerpt to be found stating that we can't talk about vapes or show pictures or even have a business page for vapes. It seems they are simply trying to get people off their backs about this so-called "teen vape epidemic".

  My opinion? What's the harm? With the ability to use vaping as an out from cigarette addiction being threatened and the possible prohibition of using these devices on the table, I have no problem with finding compromise after compromise if it makes people feel better.

  Decisions today seem to be one way or the other. No one is looking for compromise and no one appears interested. It is sad that people make assumptions without proper studies or knowledge. They think they are making their own choice about whether something is good or bad and never think about getting the facts.

Here's the thing though.... THEY CAN!
         via GIPHY

The whole point of being a free people (speaking of America here) is that we can make our opinions based on whatever we want to. That just means that the opposing side is entitled as well.

Somewhere along the way we as a people (speaking of every human on Earth) have to learn that any situation can find a compromise. That is what Facebook is doing here! They are choosing to compromise between and be neutral in the whole "epidemic" that we are fighting over.
 People can still talk about vapes, businesses can still have pages, and groups of vapers can still discuss their favored devices and e-liquid.

On the flip side, parents can feel safer knowing that it has become a bit harder for their minor to be tempted into breaking the law. No matter how anyone feels about teen vaping or supposed marketing to minors, if a person under the legal age of use seeks out and obtains a device and liquid, they are breaking the law. Now if the person they received it from knew the other was under aged, then they would have broken a different law with different punishments. Those would be the two responsible parties in any teen vaping situation: the teen them self and the one who supplied them knowingly.

   Rant Over


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But opinions aside, the facts are that Facebook is not waging a war against vapes at this moment and they are attempting to find ways to make their platform a safe place for minors to be. This blog may hold opinions but no one can argue with facts.

Here are the hard facts about the changes to Facebook's community standards:

  • Content related to the following is to be restricted to those younger than 18 years old. 
    • Anything posted by or promoting a legitimate business or brand that sells tobacco products. 
    • This includes prices, links, giveaways, trade etc..
  • The following content in not allowed at all. 
    • Anything posted by or between private profiles (meaning not businesses) attempting to sell, exchange, trade, or gift tobacco products,
    • This section does NOT mention anything about asking for or talking about the same products.     

                                                 via GIPHY

To conclude . . NO Facebook isn't banning anyone from mentioning vapes or vape related topics, YES Facebook is banning all private exchange of these products, and finally it is NOT something to run around freaking out over. Instead, support your local vape shops and online stores. 
Considering in the advertising rules Facebook clarified that tobacco products included vapes and e-cigs, their update to standards only said tobacco products. I planned on including a whole tangent  about how vapes shouldn't be grouped in with tobacco products but given that I already had a rant I will save that for another post.

If you question my hard facts, feel free to look into the updated standards and fact check me. Leave a comment if I got anything wrong. It is never a bad idea to question what you may find on the internet and seek out further information. Other media outlets may make a topic sound outrageous or attempt to incite certain feelings from the readers and that is why I decided to start this new Wednesday segment.

What The News! is designed to find vape news that is crazy or needs some further investigation and set the record straight. Once vaping isn't a heavy topic of discussion, maybe we will go on to other topics. I don't think today's media will disappoint on the amount of limited-fact claims and questionable titles.

As always, stay up to date on future posts and fun memes on the Facebook page! (Yes! This blog just talked about Facebook and is including a shameless plug to it's page) The Cloud Mermaid @ Facebook

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to avoid explosions: 101 (Regulated mods)

     In light of multiple news stories about vape related explosions, it is important to know that 100% of these incidents could have been avoided. Since there are different precautions to remember with the different styles of devices, stay tuned for safety posts regarding internal batteries and mechanical mods. This will be a beginner guide to external battery safety in regulated mods.

     A regulated mod (if you don't already know) is a device with built in precautions to make the entire experience easier and safer. They use a circuit board to regulate the electrical current and allow variable wattage (sub-ohm tanks usually offer the appropriate wattage range for the coil). Not only does this make it simpler to operate, but it also makes it easier to navigate the settings and pin point the best hit for the tank. Some mods even let you change the color of the digital menu, but they are always looking to improve and have the safest vapes imaginable.
    Some regulated mods use an internal battery. Other mods use between one and three batteries. The most common regulated mod design holds two 18650 batteries.

    While the device is made to optimize safety and prevent overheating, there are other things to be aware of when using external batteries of any kind. These batteries use the same popular rechargeable battery technology found in numerous things: cellphones, laptops, vehicles, medical devices, etc.. Lithium ion was created as a high energy density option as opposed to nickle-metal hydride or lead-acid that require more power to put out less energy. Science aside, here are some tips to make sure these high power batteries don't cause tragedy for you or those around you.

      *Beware of extreme temperatures!


Most vape batteries recommend keeping them in temperatures between 50 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live somewhere that exceeds these temperatures, certain precautions are essential. For example, use a small insulated lunchbox and never leave a mod or batteries left unattended. Hot temperatures can cause unnecessary strain, aging, or even venting which usually ends with fire. Cold temperatures can lower the overall capacity available. Avoiding these extreme temperatures help make sure you are getting the most out of your device and batteries.

      * Use battery cases!

A few explosion stories I have read occurred when batteries were stored in pockets or purses with loose change, keys, jewelry, etc.. The best way to make sure your batteries don't come into contact with other metals (or create a dangerous circuit) is to put them in a case.

                               *Don't over drain!


Many cellphones recommend charging when the battery reaches 25%. This concept also applies to vape batteries. The more you let your batteries reach 0%, the less life your battery will have. It can also lessen the capacity your batteries posses as well.

     *Never intermingle!

When using a dual battery mod, make sure to get two of the same battery. A common practice among vapers is to have a few sets of batteries to ensure that you always have a charged set. It is important not to mix even if they are the same type of battery. Different manufactures can tweak aspects of the battery the average consumer isn't aware of. Using two different 18650s (or any type of battery) can cause imbalance. You are essentially making sure that your batteries aren't performing at different life stages.

     *Keep the wraps intact!

This may be the one of the most important aspects of battery safety. A battery that is improperly wrapped or has dings and scratches can cause venting when put to work. Regulated mods typically have protective lining to ensure metal won't touch metal in the battery compartment, but it is a risk you do NOT want to take. The pictures included above show an instance of damaged wrapping causing a frustration headache for the vaper. ALWAYS INSPECT YOUR WRAPPING!

*Replace and recycle!

    Just like any other rechargeable battery, vape batteries do have a life span. They are never expected to function properly forever. The average life span is 6 to 12 months depending of usage and care. Once you begin to notice your batteries going dead faster and maybe even not performing as well as when you first got them.... it's time so say goodbye and get a new pair. Just do the environment a favor (and your garbage guy because old batteries can still vent and cause a dumpster fire) RECYCLE! Many vape shops offer safe disposal, but if you are unsure of where to take them a quick Google search can help.

     *Use a dedicated charger!

You may notice that regulated mods have a micro USB port and include a chord (some newer models are even using type-C). That isn't for charging your batteries. Whether it's on the go or at home, charging your batteries in your mod isn't safe practice. Instead, invest in a charger. They are available in 2-8 bay designs and range from simple light indicators to full screen diagnostics.

*Beware of counterfeits!        
                                                                                         via GIPHY

You might grab the off-brand cereal and see that it tastes the same as the main brand, but this isn't a safe practice with batteries. It can be tempting to check discount sites when your wallet is suffering, but you want to make sure that you are using well-tested and reliable batteries if you are putting them that close to your face. Hohm Tech, Blackcell, and Samsung are generally used and widely approved by the vape community.

As long as you keep these guidelines in mind, you can avoid a fiery problem. Really though, please make sure you are taking these precautions so you don't become another headline. It all boils down to simple common sense. You wouldn't play chicken with a lightning bolt, so don't mistreat your batteries. In future posts, we will go over battery safety in internal battery mods as well as mechanical mods for the more advanced vaper.

 Don't forget to check out my Facebook page for more vape news and funny pictures!
The Cloud Mermaid

Monday, June 24, 2019

Juul V.S. The Rest of the Vaping Community

        The other night, I was tagged in an anti-Juul post. It was a lawfirm offering services to parents wishing to sue Juul for providing their children with nicotine products. The post sounds great for those who hate the concept of a company that has previously been on blast for accused marketing to younger crowds. However, all these attacks on the company are causing a major problem for the rest of the vaping community.

        Let me start this whole post off by explaining how vapers feel about this company:

  • Juul popped up out of seemingly nowhere claiming to be the best way to get people off of tobacco products.
    • Then they sold their company to a parent company of a major tobacco distributor.
   This doesn't make sense. I have sworn to never give anymore of my money to a company that knowingly puts dangerous and disgusting chemicals into a product they will be massively distributing across the globe. Don't they want their customers to live long enough to purchase more of their product? Why would I trust them to continuously produce a product that was created to make their other products obsolete? Hmmm....


  • The company is constantly creating problems for vape shops (that are usually owned and operated by small business owners).
    • Proven fact: Juul has baited and condemned multiple shops under the guise of "not checking ID" and even "not recommending Juul over other products".
   I wish I was kidding, but being apart of numerous vape groups on social media, I see first hand accounts of Juul representatives playing the role of a "secret shopper". They go in and ask about Juul products or say something like "I am trying to quit cigarettes. What do you suggest?" Either way (even if, as it was in one case, the customer looks two steps away from retirement) if the shop in question does not immediately ask for I.D. (law says check if they appear over 21 most shops say over 30), the company is blacklisted from carrying Juul (ooh scary). Same thing happens if they recommend the Renova ZERO rather than immediately kissing up to an overpriced product.

  • The devices comes with disposable, pre-filled cartridges. 
    • These cartridges are usually disposed of in the same fashion that cigarette butts are..... on the ground.                                          
       Beyond the litter these cartridges cause, the cost for the customer is outrageous! The device is usually sold in convenience stores for around $50. Then the pods (which are one time use only) come in a four pack for around $20. Makes you wonder how much they are charging wholesale price for the stores carrying their product. Depending on how much you use it, that pack might not even last a week. Considering each cartridge holds less than 1ml of liquid, you are better off getting a refillable pod instead.


So what is the answer conscientious vapers came up with?


{Left to Right: Smok Rolo Badge, Vapeccino Stick, Renova ZERO}

     These devices are refillable with an array of flavors to choose from. Nic salt is the most commonly used liquid with pods, however regular vape liquid can be used if high nicotine isn't needed. They come in multiple different shapes, sizes, and colors. Most of the pod devices are small enough for what we call "stealth vaping" (tiny clouds and easier to hide for people at work). Refillable pod devices are a great way to get off cigarettes and cost much less than a Juul in the long run. Just bought my husband a Uwell Caliburn, it's a stick shaped refillable pod, with terrific flavor, and crazy long battery life! Refillables are totally the way to go.



      No one in the vaping community wants people (let alone minors) to become addicted to nicotine. That's the reason most e-liquids are available without it. Although, it's becoming apparent that nicotine may not be as dangerous as we thought. In fact, some studies are comparing it to caffeine and those types of addictions. I would love to know which of the other 7,000 chemicals in cigarettes I may have been addicted to. That's the biggest reason that vaping isn't a demon that needs vanquished! Above the gum and patches, vaping is the singularly best way to get off of cigarettes. Even people who chew tobacco are finding a way out with these devices.
      There is more to vaping, however, than just getting off tobacco. The whole process can be a fun hobby for some adults. I, personally, love the big clouds to play with and amazing flavors I get from my vape. This community has full competitions for the devices being created. People like to make their own juice and some even make their own mods! I really believe that the hobby is what gets minors curious. Adults are having fun, so it must be cool. The same way teens think drinking alcohol is the coolest thing ever. Teens are just eager to be adults!
      Start teaching them how to pay bills and file taxes and maybe they will slow down a little.


Back on topic... 

      While I openly display my own distaste for the Juul product and company, I hate to see any brand becoming the blame for child use. Most parents I know do the best they can to keep their children away from nicotine products, but the truth is it only takes one parent to give in or not care. If one teenager in a school has a way to get Juul or any other nicotine product, then the rest of the minors that come in contact with that kid are susceptible to that peer pressure. Much in the same way we were getting cigarettes as young as middle school age, and generations before mine were even younger. If each parent does everything they can to educate their children on the law and the dangers of peer pressure, well they could easily stop a lot of different things from getting into these minors' hands. Demonizing a product that is meant as a therapy to reduce tobacco consumption is harmful to the whole community.

     Now that we have this topic out of the way, I think we are due for some product reviews.
If you have any suggestions or requests, you can leave me a comment or head over to my Facebook page ( @thecloudmermaid ) and let me know there. Who knows, maybe you even make me feel special and hit the like button.



Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Dreaded First Post: A Testimonial

   Starting a blog really has to do just that, START. Somewhere. Anywhere. Find a sentence without too many cliches and just go. Unfortunately, this blog will have all the cliches and all the puns. Sorry, not that sorry. My name is Oddysey, has been since I was about twelve years old and couldn't stand going by my original name (No, I won't tell. It's a secret!) 


   Currently, I manage a vape shop and have too much free time on my hands. That's not entirely true, but I have always wanted to start a blog. With so many opinions and thoughts going through my head on a daily basis, this venture should make all my previous English teachers and professors cringe just a little bit. I must apologize in advance, I do NOT intend on constantly having proper grammar in this medium. I can, however, promise mostly proper grammar and plenty of tangents. You're welcome...

   As far as the vape shop comment goes, I started vaping in 2013 and almost immediately went right back to cigarettes. My closest friend at the time took me to a local shop to get me away from the lung killers and bought me an Aspire kit (no idea which one) with an internal tank. While the guy who helped me pick it out and set it up was really sweet, I was beyond clueless about what we had bought or how it even worked. All I was certain of was that the device was SUPER CUTE and at some point I was going to have to change something they had called a "coil". Once I tasted the burn and attempted what seemed like a full heart transplant, I was already giving up. Trying to figure it out on my own had me needing a cigarette. 


    FAST FORWARD a few years (like 4 months ago), at this point in my life I have found the man I plan to marry and had begun building, with him, the life we wanted to live. A conversation was had that I did not want to hear. It was time to quit smoking. We had already tried the "cold turkey" approach which had us begging each other to just go buy a pack. Just one more pack. This time it had to be for good. My fiance suggested we vape. 

    WHAT?!?! He wanted me to try and figure that thing out again? With all the little parts that need changed and the dangers everyone was talking about! I let him buy me an Innokin Coolfire mini. Of course, he knew more than I did. Still, I had to know what I was doing this time and began my research. 


This is what I found and have learned the past few months:

The health benefits totally outweigh the frustrations. 
 With over 7,000 chemicals in ONE cancer stick, there are generally only FOUR in e-liquid. The worst chemical being NICOTINE. That fact is why we call vaping HARM REDUCTION THERAPY. Sure there is still harm in putting nicotine in your body, but multiple studies show that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes. 

The cost of vaping is much cheaper than being a pack or two a day smoker.

   If you have ever heard the phrase, "Cheaper in the long-run", that's vaping. The average cost of a carton of cigarettes where I live is about $50. My fiance and I could go through one in a week. That's $200 a month. Now the average vape set-up in my area is $100. Add on your liquid ($20/bottle) and a pack of coils (another $20/ 3-5 pack). Realistically, you are looking at about $250 for the first month of vaping. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! (I warned you about cliches) That set up, if treated right with proper battery care and minimal clumsiness, could last you months or even years. That brings your monthly vape cost down to about $50-$100 a month. So that's HALF if not more than half the price of being a pack or more a day smoker.

   Those two points alone were enough for me to put away the "ashtray smell". Still I wanted to know how it all worked. What exactly is a coil? How do mods blow-up in people's pockets? Why is everyone so deathly afraid of something that really should be praised?

  { Originally, I had planned on including all of that information in this post, but the fruits of the labor I put in really deserve a separate post with diagrams and pictures. Maybe a gif or five.}


   The most important thing I learned (besides what the hell I was doing) was how much of a waste of time and money the Juul device had become. It was being sold at every gas station. It was constantly in everyone's mouths because of how often they caused trouble with the FDA and schools. The worst part was the cost of the stupid little pre-filled cartridges. 

  Let me just add a side note here. If you have a Juul and love it, I'm happy for you. Really I am. Just know you are still giving your money to a tobacco company. 

  In case you live under a rock with the other starfish, Juul was bought out by Altria. If that doesn't spell it out, Altria owns Phillip Morris. I'm sorry that's not specific enough. THEY MAKE THEM THERE COWBOY KILLERS [said in perfect southern twang]. Marlboro. The cigarette that had me stuck in an endless loop of trying to quit and coming right back to committing long-term suicide. 

   If all that drama wasn't the be all end all, the cost had my head spinning. Again if the long-term cost is cheaper than the right now cost, spend the big bucks now and DON'T regret it later. 

Along my research journey I found many reviewers and advocates for vaping that gave me much more knowledge and longing for a hand out of the cancer hole. I will most definitely be giving them shout-outs and credit in later posts. As far as what I'm vaping now, I have a pretty cool sub-ohm set up.

This is the GeekVape Aegis Legend with the Fireluke Mesh purple resin with an acrylic expansion. So, in other words, this is my abuse resistant mod.

Feel free to attempt to find me on Facebook if you haven't already. I will also be creating a few other social media profiles for this blog and will be adding those at a later time. If you have made it all the way through my first post without leaving, congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the head and keep coming back for more. 

Trump and the FDA's flavor ban....

via GIPHY      This last week, I became a bit preoccupied by Donald Trump's press release. Specifically, where he called for a flavo...